Thursday, June 8, 2023

Something NEW is coming...

Hi there!

It's a beautiful day! We get to officially announce something that has been years in the making :)

This is truly our first completely community-driven product. We read every single one of your hundreds of suggestions. We tried dozens of other products to understand where they went wrong.

So, without further ado... The Essential Cleanser launches June 22nd!

It is truly the perfect cleanser for every skin type, age, and skin need – and we cannot wait for you all to have it!

So! If you want 48 hour VIP early access, text CLEANSER to 877-691-2375 (or click here).

In the days leading up to the launch, we'll be sharing all sorts of behind-the-scenes photos, thoughts on where current cleansers are going wrong, and lots of fun details!

We are so excited and thank you all for the support leading to this point :)

Lots of love!
Nicole & Ande
Co-Founders of L'AMARUE 
(& mother-daughter)

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