Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hi there, Today You've Provided Clean Water, Education, & Medical Care ✌️

Hi ,

Mustafa here from Wear The Peace. I hope you're doing well! I wanted to update you about our donations from today, a video we received from Gaza, and a way for you to get a free $7 gift-card!

Today we donated to three different causes:

1. We donated $6,000 to Human Concern International's Education Program to send children back to school in refugee camps in Syria.

2. We donated $7,500 to Pious Project to build three wells in Mali and an extra $1,331 to maintain already built wells within Mali.

3. We donated $4,150 to Helping Hand for Relief and Development for medical care in Bangladesh, Kenya, & Afghanistan

Thank you for making these donations possible!

We just received video from one of our most recent food distributions from Gaza and we posted it on Youtube where you can watch it here:

The last thing is that I wanted to remind you that today is the last day to receive a free gift-card to Wear The Peace by letting us know your thoughts of possible future designs through this google form:

Thank you so much for all the support!

Best regards,  


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