Friday, December 1, 2023

Welcome to the Discomfort Zone

Get a Jump Start on 2024 Now, Here's How
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In today's edition, Joe shares:
  • The Problem With Resolutions
  • 5 Keys to Commitment
  • How to Take Blame

If I could make one New Year's Resolution for Spartan Nation it would be to stop making resolutions.

They just don't work. You get bored, injured, overwhelmed with work, and before you know it you're back to your old habits – sleeping in, eating poorly, and missing workouts.

In fact, research shows that only 9% of Americans who make resolutions complete them, with 23% throwing in the towel by the end of the first week, and 43% by the end of January.

But this year can be different.

I know a thing or two about how to create consistent habits that will get you off the couch and into the best shape of your life, and I also know that this success will improve your life in all ways.

My approach is based on what we call the Spartan Paradox.

While most people believe that they need to train and get in shape before committing to a challenge, I think they've got it wrong.

The better way? Commit to a challenge first, then get moving.

The date you put on the calendar provides the energy and motivation you need to do the work.

The next step, according to Dr. Laura Pence, our chief mind doc here at Spartan, is connecting those goals with your purpose, the "why" behind the how.

For me, sticking to my habits is crucial if I'm going to be my best self, and lead and motivate others to do the same.

"It's important to connect your goal to a purpose," she said. Having value-driven goals will help you dig deeper when motivation wanes."

What's the one thing you want right now? Let's say it's weight loss. I want you to go beyond what you'd look like if you lost the weight, and ask yourself what the change would mean for you and others?

Could you get back to an activity you love with your friends, or tackle a bucket-list challenge? Would it help you gain the energy you need to be a better friend, parent, co-worker or spouse?

No matter what's going on right now, try to see your life on the other side of the goals you create. Then get started creating it, one breath, one step, one run, one day at a time.

And don't wait until Jan. 1, start now by picking your 2024 challenge. Click here to find the right one for you.

Here's to The Hard Way!

They Said It
"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed."
– Cavett Robert

Commitments are easy to make and even easier to break. Here's how to get – and stay – committed:

  1. Sign up NOW: Committing to a race date is a classic "forcing function" that's sure to inspire your training.
  2. Find your Why: Selfish goals don't feed your motivation, committing to your best self will keep you on track.
  3. Write it Down: Studies show that writing down your goals on paper makes you 50% more likely to achieve them.
  4. Make a List: Break your goals into day-by-day steps and check them off your list.
  5. Tell your Friends: They'll hold you accountable if you waver and provide the push you need.

The Hard Way Podcast
"Blame yourself for everything. If you blame everyone else you'll never learn anything. Even if something is not your fault, find what you missed and figure out how you can move forward."
– Lukas Pakter
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